Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adapting to life in Boone

As I look at the calendar I am amazed that October has already passed. The trees around campus are changing color and the mornings bring crisp air. Many of my classes are in full swing. Homework has become a regular part of my routine and I am learning how to manage my time more efficiently. At the beginning of the semester I had trouble keeping up with my homework. The stress of moving far from home, combined with a new fast-paced lifestyle, made it difficult for me to finnish everything that was assigned to me. After weeks of practice I have finally synced up with life at Appalachian State University. I have a set schedule complete with time to do homework. Recently I have been able to keep up with my school work, practice playing my banjo, and attend jams and square dances regularly. On top of all of the work that I do in music and school I have been volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. I spent a whole Saturday last month building a house with the organization. I was amazed at how quickly the structure went up and proud of our productive day. 
I have had some bad days over the semester. The first few weeks after I moved here I was quite bored. It took me a while to make friends but now I spend a lot of time out and about. Other bad days I have had have involved rain. I come from the coast but I was unprepared for the amount of rain in Boone. After getting soaked at least three times I have finally learned to bring my raincoat with me wherever I go. 

Moving away from my hometown to bustling university town has been a challenge for me. But I have conquered the challenge by working hard and being resilient. I have learned many important life lessons like managing my time and carrying a raincoat. All and all I am glad I moved to Boone.

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